learn 3d animation free training course
3D Modelling Animation training . 3D animation best resource website .learn 3D animation free course skill
With the rapid growth in the computer 3D games industry and increasing use of 3D special effects in the movies, there is a real demand for 3D animators.
Are you interested in learning the art of computer animation. You want to build computer models in three dimensions, slap on some shaders that make them look cool, throw in a little animation, add some lights and particle effects, then render it all out and show off your work to your friends.
Or maybe you're a little more serious about learning 3D - planning for an eventual career in game development or computer animation.
No matter why you intent to learn 3D animation ,this website is the best place allow you to discover your passion.

Aren't able to throw down thousands of dollars. for the 3D animation software , weekend workshops, correspondence courses, or a University-level visual arts education.
Can computer animation be learned from the comfort and spend less?
The answer is a resounding YES!
what we can do for you

Here is a short list of the top 3D animation software at the moment.The most popular software packages such as 3DS Max, Maya, Revit AutoCAD and Inventor. While 3DS Max and Maya are geared more for the entertainment and design visualization applications. AutoCAD and Revit software are geared towards the architectural industry.
We offer 3D animation software at low price
all software are full version ,not acdemic or OEM version.for example maya 2013 ,only sell $ 64 . buy maya buy autodesk maya buy autodesk maya 2013 you can create the professional model with those software.
We offer you latest CG video tutorials
in this way ,you can learn the 3D animation fast . cheap maya cheap autodesk maya cheap autodesk maya 2013
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